Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog Post of the Day!

Think about how a user (me or anyone else using your site) might function and interact with your site. What are some important functional features to make your website easy to work with? How can you make it easier for the user and not frustrating? Explain why this is so important.

My site is very easy to navigate because you can find all the information you may be looking for or need right in front of you. It's simply a click away. The navigation bar is very easy to get through, and the content of the pages gives all the information someone would need to know about me. It's so important to have a site that's easy to function because people get annoyed very easily. I speak fro experience that when I'm on websites and can't find what I'm looking for quickly, I will exit the site. It's important for the functions to be good to you don't lose visitors.

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